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Walking with Jesus.

Walking with Each Other.

Inviting others along the Journey.


SfC Utrecht began in 2021, but has been planned since 2014.  After the SfC Group in Maastricht was started in 2012, prayers began seeking where to start another group in the Netherlands.  It was clear that Utrecht was the city being in the center of the country and the largest student population in all of the Netherlands.

The time a person spends at University is a vital time.  Life changing decisions are being made.  An individual's career choice, future spouse and who they are becoming as they transition into adulthood are all happening simultaneously.

Often religion and the thought of God are pushed aside and sometimes never even thought of.  However, the Bible says that we were made in the image of God and made to know Him.  Rather than being pushed aside, Jesus is meant to be the center, the integration point of our lives, and our mission is to help students discover they were made for a great purpose, to know and walk with their Creator and to be transformed by His amazing Grace and Love.


1.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God

2.  The God of the Bible is the One True God

3.  Jesus Christ is God and one third of the Trinity

4.  Man sinned and fell willingly out of fellowship with God

5.  Man is saved and redeemed through Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross and resurrection alone

6.  Baptism and Holy Communion are the two ordinances commanded for believers to follow  

7.  The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an event experienced after salvation

8.  We are sanctified through a process of being separated from evil and becoming more like Jesus

9.  The Church and the Ministry is God's way to reach the world by bringing believers together to be made strong in their faith, worship God and sent out to demonstrate God's love to the world

10.  God is our healer and it has been made possible through Jesus' finished work on the Cross

11.  Jesus will return gathering His people

12.  Jesus will reign on Earth for 1000 years

13.  There will be a final judgment

14.  There will be New Heavens and a New Earth for us to spend eternity with Jesus


We aren't alone in what God is doing.  As the Bible tells us, we are part of the larger body of Christ around the world.  But we are part of something across Europe, that looks a lot like what God is doing in Utrecht.

Across Europe, there are numerous Students for Christ groups from Germany to Spain, from Greece to the Scandinavian countries.

If you would like more information about these groups, you can visit the main SfC Europe website HERE

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